It is not a novelty that there exist lots of various preparations aimed to combat erectile dysfunctions in men. But modern medicine does not fall behind other spheres of life and actively develops itself. Today in the market can be met products capable to improve the quality of sex for women. This product is Cialis.
Cialis is a well-known preparation, which stands in one line with Viagra, and now it is available for women too. Its main constituent remains the same – Tadalafil, just as the most of its previous composition. And only some additional components make it more specific. Now it actively helps women to receive more pleasure from the sexual intercourse.
What is the mechanism of Female Cialis action?
Female cialis is an effective, reversible inhibitor selectively acting on phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5).
Central role in sexual satisfaction is relaxation of cavernous smooth muscle cells of the vagina, which is locally initiated by acetylcholine and nitric oxide, and other physiological agents. Acetylcholine is produced by neurons in the parasympathetic nervous system, nitric oxide and non-cholinergic non-adrenergic neurons released and endothelial cells. The net effect is a suppression of the state of the sympathetic nervous system stimulation or alpha, which causes contraction of smooth muscle cells. Guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and PDE5 are important for normal sexual satisfaction. cGMP causes the expansion of the arteries, causing blood flow to the erectile tissues.
Blood vessels in the cavernous bodies fill with blood, which causes a decrease in the outflow of blood from the vagina and creating a gradient of blood pressure – a sexual satisfaction. The enzyme PDE5 causes a decrease in the level of cGMP and terminates an erection.
Female cialis inhibits the action of PDE5, thus delaying the decline in the level of cGMP. The level of cGMP in the cavernous bodies allows a woman with erectile dysfunction to have a normal sexual satisfaction.
Side effects of Cialis for women
Just like men, women taking Cialis are more likely to experience headaches, muscle pains, dyspepsia and nasal congestion than anything else after popping the pill. The likelihood of suffering from side effects depends on the dose of Tadalafil consumed – when taking 20 mg on as-needed basis, you get the probability of suffering from side effects of around 10-12%. If you prefer the low-strength pill for daily use, the showing goes down to 6% or even less.
Cialis for women is an oral tablet, this drug starts working after 20 minutes after its intake. The effect usually lasts up to 4 to 6 hours. Exceeding its recommended dosage may increase its side effects.
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